May 24, 2009 journal, open Memorial Day celebration in Washington D.C. with veterans wounded in wars. One man that had part of his brains blown out, miraculously survived. The president say he will not bailout California but we have heard those answers before from the former administration. Those inmates getting free room and board are about to be released from the California prison system and they even plan to sell the jail house. California already got 4 billion in tarp funds bailout but that is not a drop in the bucket. A Greer man shot himself to death after being stopped by the police which is extreme. I am reading the book entitled Fools Gold about the big bank's ripping off in derivatives. It seems crazy to me how any bank could go broke when they have a 40 to one ratio or even more, so long as they keep pumping money out there who is to know the difference. It took 20 years for the derivatives nothingness trading to get caught up with and collapse. Why don't banks just counterfeit money since the Fed does it and of course the Treasury. A loan ratio of 40 to one dollar, it is basically counterfeit money they are loaning to you. My credit cards are all full and I would not get as far as Travelers Rest. The places I want to go most are first to Baltimore to see my 7 Days of Creation hanging in the American Visionary Art Museum then on to Western Maryland and Pennsylvania with the Amish people. I would like to live in Miami during winters but I am not armed well enough. My favorite place is either in warm Honolulu or freezing Iceland where natural steam comes up from the earth and helps breathing plus pure food but they went broke and are potentially rioting. I would like to go to Mexico to get cheap dental work but they are fighting D*ru*g wars and I am afraid of war. I may could have gotten that free if I had not missed the boat when Michael Moore went to Cuba to film Sicko movie. I fear to go any where with Dick Cheney fear mongering threatening that the president will turn loose at least 20 of those remaining detainees at Guantanamo Bay to slit all of our throats. I am just here waiting for Obama to redistribute the wealth so I can resume my travel schedule. Fox News is an Israeli propaganda network via Australia producing "fixed" news. 30 banks have failed already in 2009 compared to three banks in all of 2007, 23 in 2008. Fannie May & Freddie Mac are said to be on the verge of collapse. So you got a reprieve to fix your mortgage payments until the day you lose your job and your house value drops another 50% then there will be no way on earth to deal with it or the collapse of America. Dropping sales & property values are coming home to local taxing authorities very soon. Russia in last year or so have increased their loans to the American government by 400%. China warns U.S. Treasury against printing more dollars which will hurt their $ holdings. The phony Federal Reserve has managed somehow to slam dunk 9 trillion dollars in the last few months during all the financial confusion. The collapse of America will take out Israel next because they largely survive on money flowing to them from U.S. Treasury. The Federal Reserve is now competing to buy Treasury bonds which is the equivalent of a crazy man raising his own bids. It really don't matter anymore because this economy is lost and nothing they do will make any difference to save it. We can expect that Social Security and Medicare payments will belly up anytime now likely by the end of 2009. For now the calls from J.P. Morgan Chase have stopped. The third lady ever to be appointed to the Supreme Court as a Justice is a Bronx Hispanic. Reveal to me thy mission for life this day O Lord I pray and make me willing to serve. A Minnesota son & mother have returned home to take the court ordered chemotherapy for cancer which is a shame & disgrace for this country to mandate chemical child death.